Securing Networks with Open-Source Snort Bootcamp

Attendees will learn how to define the use and placement IDS/IPS components, identify Snort features and requirements, compile and install Snort, define, and use different modes of Snort and install and utilize Snort supporting software.

Engineers that require an in-depth knowledge of Open-Source Snort.

Attendees will learn how to define the use and placement IDS/IPS components, identify Snort features and requirements, compile and install Snort, define, and use different modes of Snort and install and utilize Snort supporting software.

Detecting Intrusions with Snort 3.0

    • History of Snort
    • IDS
    • IPS
    • IDS vs. IPS
    • Examining Attack Vectors
    • Application vs. Service Recognition

Sniffing the Network

    • Protocol Analyzers
    • Configuring Global Preferences
    • Capture and Display Filters
    • Capturing Packets
    • Decrypting Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Encrypted Packets

Architecting Nextgen Detection

    • Snort 3.0 Design
    • Modular Design Support
    • Plug Holes with Plugins
    • Process Packets
    • Detect Interesting Traffic with Rules
    • Output Data

Choosing a Snort Platform

    • Provisioning and Placing Snort
    • Installing Snort on Linux

Operating Snort 3.0

    • Topic 1: Start Snort
    • Monitor the System for Intrusion Attempts
    • Define Traffic to Monitor
    • Log Intrusion Attempts
    • Actions to Take When Snort Detects an Intrusion Attempt
    • License Snort and Subscriptions

Examining Snort 3.0 Configuration

    • Introducing Key Features
    • Configure Sensors
    • Lua Configuration Wizard

Managing Snort

    • Pulled Pork
    • Barnyard2
    • Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK)

Analyzing Rule Syntax and Usage

    • Anatomy of Snort Rules
    • Understand Rule Headers
    • Apply Rule Options
    • Shared Object Rules
    • Optimize Rules
    • Analyze Statistics

Use Distributed Snort 3.0

    • Design a Distributed Snort System
    • Sensor Placement
    • Sensor Hardware Requirements
    • Necessary Software
    • Snort Configuration
    • Monitor with Snort

Examining Lua

    • Introduction to Lua
    • Get Started with Lua

It is highly recommended to attend Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower Next Generation Firewall Bootcamp.

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